NeoForge, a gaming community platform, has recently come under scrutiny for its questionable practices and alleged abuse of power. From arbitrary banning on Discord servers to the restriction of free speech, NeoForge's actions have raised concerns among its users and members of the wider gaming community.

One of the most significant issues is the lack of transparency and justification in banning users from the NeoForge Discord server. Many users have reported being banned without any reason or proof, making it difficult for them to understand or appeal the decision. Even when appeals have been introduced recently, the process is often convoluted and challenging, further exacerbating the issue.

Moreover, NeoForge has been accused of banning users simply for owning websites that criticize the US government. This is particularly concerning given that the main leader of NeoForge, Curle, resides in Wales, and the websites in question are compliant with Mexican (where the sites are operated) and US laws. This suggests a blatant disregard for freedom of expression and the right to criticize governments.

Another significant issue is the malfunctioning of MCForge mods, which are essential for many users to enhance their gaming experience. However, NeoForge has failed to address these issues effectively, leaving users frustrated and dissatisfied.

Furthermore, NeoForge has been involved in cross-banning, working with the QuiltMC Community Collab, which has itself caused harm to the community. QuiltMC has refused appeals from users simply for posting pro-Russia content on Twitter, further highlighting the arbitrary and oppressive nature of these collaborations.

The main admin of NeoForge is also an admin on numerous other platforms, where he has been accused of similar abusive behaviors. This raises questions about his suitability to oversee a gaming community and his commitment to fairness and transparency.

Beyond these specific issues, NeoForge has faced numerous other criticisms, including a lack of communication with its users, failure to address legitimate concerns, and a culture of secrecy and elitism. These problems have eroded trust in the platform and damaged its reputation as a gaming community.

In conclusion, NeoForge's actions have raised serious concerns about its practices and commitment to its users. From arbitrary banning to restricting free speech and failing to address technical issues, NeoForge's behavior has left many users feeling disenfranchised and dissatisfied. It is essential for NeoForge to address these issues transparently and effectively to regain the trust of its users and the wider gaming community.
